These days it seems that anything that is politically related is negative. However, for over 200 years our country has endured. At the U of A I graduated with a degree in Political Science, but was only a few credits short of a double major in History as well. Out of this fine educational experience I saw that the history and frustration with our government started before the ratification of the constitution, has continued to this day, and will be here as long as the US exists. The good thing is that each of us really do have the potential to create a change that will benefit your own believes.
So what does any of this have to do with a blog on bikes? I want to see how we can use the system, the one that has endured two centuries, to create laws that benefit cyclist, Mt. Bikers, Commuters, recreational riders and BMX both in safety and additional infrastructure. I’m not going to get into Right or Left, Liberal or Conservative or any of my thoughts on any political issue, unless it revolves around Bicycles.
Last month I met with Arizona House of Representative Ethan Orr to discuss bike laws. 3 weeks ago I coordinated having Ethan and Senator Steve Farley to Brendan Lyons hospital bed to talk about safety after Brendan and his girlfriend, Lorena Evans, were struck by a car. This morning I had breakfast with Senator Farley to ask his opinion on the best way to impact the state legislators.
Senator Farley is going to create a Bike Caucus in the state Senate. Representative Orr will be doing the same in the AZ house. Once we see who we have on our side we can start to focus on what is most important for Bicycling in the State.
We are going to need your help. If you, a family member, a boss or employee rides a bike and has a relationship with an elected official I would like to talk with them. If we can find the riders who have the personal connections with these Senators and Representatives our chances of accomplishing meaningful legislation will skyrocket.
The only way this will work is if cycling/MTB/BMX/Commuter enthusiasts from all over the state get involved. Will You?
Finally, If you have a huge pocket book and want to give me an outlandish allowance, I’ll dedicate my life to this. This a huge task and it warrants a full time “lobbyist”. As with most of you, I’m currently stretched very thin between being a full time Realtor, Father, Husband, This Blog, Photographer and Coach at El Grupo. I’m very fortunate that I have some overlapping between all of my passions and responsibilities, but know that this needs more effort than I can give.
So, Is Lobbyist a dirty word? Only if they are lobbying against what is good.