Tag Archives: Contact your reresentative

Bike Safety Bills Introduced in Arizona today

Many months ago I called on Arizona House of Rep Ethan Orr and Senator Steve Farley to talk about bike safety laws.  Not long after our first meeting, my good friend and bike safety advocate, Brendan Lyons and his girlfriend Lorena Evans were struck by a car while riding.  What was a tragic day for them has resulted in a passion that has seen 3 bills introduced on bike safety.  This is a great step, but the battle has only just begun.  We need YOU to contact you State legislators and show your support for these laws.  Below is a letter from Brendan and 3 letters you can send, one for each bill.  We have spends hundreds of hours to get it this far, all you need to do is take a few minutes and contact your Representative and Senator


As a Professional, career Firefighter and EMS provider who happens to be an avid cyclist, I recognize that PUBLIC SAFETY is much more than responding to emergency calls. This resides in awareness and educating the public on everyday hazards, moreover encouraging legislation, which could help facilitate the need to prevent such hazards from taking someone’s life.

In early October, I went for a ride with my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday. Unfortunately, an inattentive motorist struck us both from behind. Still in recovery, uncertain of my return to the Fire Department, I am utilizing my “near-fatal” incident to awaken the users of our public byways. I invite and encourage you to take a moment to read this article I wrote, regarding the very incident that nearly took my life. Here is another article, recently released disclosing what I am doing to better not only Tucson, but the entire state of Arizona.

***Attached you will also find two pre-written letters which you may personalize

  •       H.B. 2622      (Vulnerable Users of Public Ways)
  •        S.B. 1147      (Texting While Driving, Prohibition)
  •        H.B. 2545      (Bicyclists, Public Ways)

By sharing my story across the state of Arizona, I’m inviting others to step up to encourage their local leaders to recognize this problem and encourage helping protect the lives of vulnerable users like me who share and utilize our public byways. Click for House Roster, or Senate Roster.

Click here to Find or Contact My Legislators?


“Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility”

Brendan Lyons

Firefighter / EMT

Founder Look! Save A Life / ARIZONA 


Vulnerable Users of Public Ways

Your Name




Honorable Senator/Representative [Last Name]

Arizona House of Representatives

Capitol Complex

1700 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890


Dear Representative / Senator [Last Name]:

As a member of (YOUR BUSINESS/AFFILIATION), I write asking for your support in H.B. 2622, the bill is to protect vulnerable users from drivers operating vehicles in a reckless/malicious manner and a presumption of liability on the part of the motorist if a collision occurs.

Representative Orr (H.B. 2376) is the primary sponsor of this bill, which is awaiting consideration from the State of Arizona Sub-Committees.

A “Vulnerable User of a Public Way” includes any LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, EMERGENCY RESPONDER, or a WORKER in a State Highway Work Zone. Also includes Pedestrians, or Person(s) Operating any of the Following on a Public Way, Crosswalk or Shoulder of the Highway: A Farm tractor, skateboard, roller skates, in-line skates, scooter, wheelchair, and a bicycle.

 We hope to humanize everyone who utilizes our public byways with your support of H.B. 2622. Why not support a law that will protect those (First-Responders) who protect us? To foster such protection of vulnerable users will encourage tourism, inviting comfort to those who travel here for recreation and enjoyment of life. Nobody wants to be struck by a vehicle and no driver wants to crash into anyone, let alone kill them.

Again, thank you for your consideration and support of H.B. 2622. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance.




Texting While Driving, Prohibition

 Your Name




Honorable Senator/Representative [Last Name]

Arizona House of Representatives

Capitol Complex

1700 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

Dear Representative / Senator [Last Name]:

As a member of (YOUR BUSINESS/AFFILIATION), I write asking for your support in S.B. 1147, the bill is to prohibit the use of text messaging, which diverts a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. Texting while driving is a growing trend, and a national epidemic, quickly becoming one of the nation’s top killers.

Senator Farley (S.B.1147) and Representative Orr (H.B. 2376) are sponsors of these bills. This is awaiting consideration from the State Transportation Committee.

Texting while driving:

  • Causes nearly 25% of all accidents, 1.6 million per year –National Safety Council
  • Is about 6 times more likely to cause an accident than driving intoxicated
  • Is the same as driving blind for 5 seconds at a time- VA. Tech Transportation

As you may know, research like this has driven 47 states to pass legislation banning texting/driving. National cell phone carriers, such as AT&T are campaigning, “Texting & Driving, It Can Wait”. As technological distraction increases, Arizona has an opportunity to make a stand, decreasing the number of collisions on our roads.

Your bipartisan support for S.B. 1147 and/or H.B. 2376 shows your compassion to preserve the Life of your citizens. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance.




Bicyclists, Public Ways

Your Name




Honorable Representative Karen Fann

Arizona House of Representatives

Capitol Complex

1700 West Washington

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

Dear Representative Fann:

As a member of (YOUR BUSINESS/AFFILIATION), I write to ask your support for H.B. 2545, the bill is to protect the safety of cyclists while riding on a public roadway, shoulder, or bicycle path.

This bill is sponsored by Representative Orr and is awaiting consideration in the State Transportation Committee.

This bill is important because it will provide a broadening of protection to cyclists on the shoulder of a road even if there is no bike lane and will require debris to be cleaned from bike lanes after accidents. As you may know, cyclists ride to commute, for better health, and simply to enjoy life on a daily basis. Our local, city, and state leaders have made significant strides in making it safer, investing millions of dollars to cycling-safe infrastructure. Why not enact laws that will help keep your constituents safe?

The economic impact that cycling brings to this state is substantial.  Arizona is highly ranked as one of our Nation’s Top Cycling Meccas; recognized by “Outside Magazine” with Tucson being the #1 Cycling Town in the United States. The League of American Bicyclists ranks Arizona as the 10th Bicycle Friendly State, hosting 9 Bicycle Friendly Communities, 11 Bicycle Friendly Businesses, and 2 Bicycle Friendly Universities. Your bipartisan support for H.B. 2545 and bills to protect cyclists only show your compassion to preserve the Life of your citizens. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance.

