I freely admit, I like to get muddy! Riding in the rain and mud does not phase me and I’ll wear the brown racing strip with pride on my back. However, I do not approve of a dirty bike afterwards. I don’t particularly like to take the time to scrub my iron horses, but have learned that if you pamper you bikes, they last longer and run smoother. I’ve used various cleaners over the years and tried a new one yesterday.

For some time I have had a bottle of the ProGold degreaser and bike wash. I use the degreaser often, but for some reason had never tried the Bike Wash. For my experiment I used perhaps 3 or 4 oz max.
I was on the way out the door and noticed my Santa Cruz Tallboy was looking like it had been powdered in a fine dust from The Tour Of The White Mountains. I had about 5 minutes to clean her up and get on my way. With a cup in one hand and a toothbrush in the other I gave it a quick once over. I ran inside, grabbed my bike gear, came out and rinsed it off with the hose. I still had a little muck in the derailleur and gave it another quick brush over and hose down. I never used any elbow grease, just a gentle scrubbing to loosen the muck.
As you can see from the before and after pictures it really cleaned it up. I’d like to try and put the product through a more rigorous test, but don’t think I’ll ever let my bike get that dirty. If you have a bike that is disgusting, greasy, grimy, dirty, and are in the Tucson Area, I’d love to see what the ProGold Degreaser and BikeWash can do.
An aside, the rear wheel is a loaner. I will not be the ridicule of the dork disk, so just back off before you even start those comments. You know who you are.