It’s that that time of year again where we make our annual pilgrimage to the top of Charouleau Gap. This will be our 24th Super Bowl making the trek to the top.
This is an old double track rock crawling dirt road and the saddle is at a whopping 5100mountain bike
ofeet. Most of the road is very steep and it is 2400 vert feet of climbing in 6.5 miles.
Bring tons of water and some good energy snacks from the top. Even if it’s warmer at the bottom when we start it is always chilly at the top so a light extra layer is a wise thing to throw in your pack, and it will be extra protection for the very hairy very fast decent.
Be warned this is a very challenging ride with lots of chances for crashes and getting hurt. It is only for people that like pain, sweat and blood, kinda like a football player in an NFL Game !