There is going to be one less road hazard this weekend on the roads of Tucson. The Dodge Bridge, just south of River is getting some new asphalt. For years a 3 plus inch wide separation between curb and road has beckoned tires like a streetcar track.

Earlier this summer a county employee caught his tire in the crack and had a severe collision with the ground. It was because of this that the county finally took action to have it repaired. They were aware of the issue for the past 6 years, but were told by engineers that it could not be remedied due to drainage issues. Apparently, as a result of this tragedy, they were able to discover a fix for getting water off the bridge and closing the gat. It is sad that this summer someone had to break their back in order to get the county to take action.
Do you know of anywhere in the area that the road posses a risk to cyclist? Let me know and I’ll inform Pima county. If enough of us are vocal, we will see change.