Ride List for January 28, 2022

Some fun Times this week are to be had on bikes and with the cycling community. SDMB has 24HOP Pre-ride weekend with a Spaghetti dinner fundraiser,  TORCA has a movie Night at the Hop Shop Monday evening, and Cyclovia has a family-friendly group bike ride exploring January’s “Green at the Core” Route.  It’s around 3 miles and will end up at Himmel Park where riders can join in on a free, weekly dance party. As always,  all the weekly rides have something for every speed from the Tuesday Night Social Ride that explores around central Tucson, Bike Polo Wednesday, and the Legendary Shootout is currently stacked with pros for those who like to ride fast with the pack. I also added a Gran  Fondo in Fountain Hills in a few weeks, but that weekend, I recommend registering and racing in the Santa Catalina Omnium. Two of my favorite annual events.

PS some formatting issues with the new version of word press this week. Sorry if its a little wonky.

In creating this list I’m amazed how many rides are still not happening. Others are back, but have asked not to publicly share at this time. I’m sure I’m missing some rides and events, so please text me at 520-977-5664 or email Damion@DamionAlexander.com if you know of something that should be on this list. I’m sure with each week the list will be enhanced.


I DID NOT CONFIRM EVERY TIME, but did get in touch with most of the ride leaders and shops.  You should always verify times before you head out and remember these ride times are when the ride leaves. Please show up as early as needed to make sure you are ready to roll out at the time posted.


CHECK OUT THESE CALANDERS FOR MORE UP TO DATE RIDES. https://cactuscycling.org/schedule.php https://www.meetup.com/bikegaba/events  
Ben’s Bikes MTB Night RideAlternates between Ben’s Bike the Vail TrailsMonday 6:30PM2 hours no drop 12-15 mileswww.bensbikestucson.com 520-574-2453
Hills, Hills HillsBashas Kolb/SunriseTuesday 6:00AM20 miles About an hour12-14 HILLSDamion Alexander 520-977-5664 text or call
Tuesday Fair Wheel RideUniversity/EuclidTuesday 7:30AM2.5 hours 40 milesFastwww.Fairwheelbike.com 
Tuesday Night Ride Flagpole  – West Side of  Old MainTuesday 8:30PM12-18 milesSlowhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/5833629539/
Mt. LemmonUniversity/EuclidWed 6:00AM55-60 Miles www.Fairwheelbike.com
JKG DnA Easy Udall Parking LotWed 5:30AMUdall-Mile post 3 on LemmonCasual No Drophttps://www.facebook.com/groups/579397565447522/?fref=ts
Transit to Dragoon, Third Wednesday Ride.Transit Cycles 100 S Avenida Del Convento,Every 3rd Wednesday of the month 5:30A few milesNo Drophttps://www.facebook.com/pg/TransitCycles/events/?ref=page_internal
Wednesday ShredzdaySierra Vista Cherokee Parking LotWed 7:00PM10 miles Sun & Spokes. 520.458.0685 https://sunnspokes.com/ Awesome Site for local routes!
Bike PoloU of A Mall closer to CampbellWed 8:00PM  https://www.facebook.com/tucson.bikepolo?fref=ts
Up Oracle ThursdayUniversity and EuclidThurs 7:30AM Fastwww.Fairwheelbike.com
Hills, hills, hillsBashas Kolb/SunriseThurs 6:00AM20 miles12-14(but Hills)Damion Alexander 520-977-5664
Thursdays are for wheel PeopleAJ’s Sunrise/CampbellThursday 7:00AM45 miles18 plustimcarolan@mac.com 520-548-3624
The JKG Flagship rideLe Buzz 9121 E Tanque Verde Rd Thurs 5:30AMLe Buzz to Molina BasinHammer festJKG Strava on Facebook
Homestretch Foundation Spin with the StretchiesLe Buzz 9121 E Tanque Verde Rd Starting dec 3rd 10am75-90 minutesRecovery ridehttps://www.facebook.com/HomestretchFoundation/?pnref=story
Bicycle Ranch Tucson Group Bicycle Ranch at Oracle and Ina  Saturday 7:00AM  53 (shorter option of 38 as well) miles17-20 MPHFree Breakfast after ride Steve 520-219-4311
The Old Man ShootoutUniversity and EuclidSaturday 7:15 AM  60 Mile (can be extended to 100)Fast 20 MPH+www.fairwheelbikes.com
The Big Boy ShootoutUniversity and EuclidSaturday 7:30AM60 Miles(can be extended to 100)Fasterwww.fairwheelbikes.com
HMS Shop Ride8225 N. Courtney Page WaySaturday 7:00AM4 routes 25-30 MilesNo Drophmsbikes@gmail.com 520-989-0196
Zona Cycling First of the Month Mt Lemmon RideLe Buzz 9121 E Tanque Verde Rd 1st Saturday 7:30AMAs far as you can getUntil you turn aroundhttps://www.facebook.com/Zona-Cycling-186457201423794/
Zona Cycling  El Con by the Starbucks .2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th, Saturday 7:30AM65 miles16-18https://www.facebook.com/Zona-Cycling-186457201423794/
Broadway Bicycles Shop RideVarious Routes Call ScottOn Hiatus  Scott 520-296-7819
Sabino Cycle Shop RideVaries- email Steve  to be on the listSaturday 7:30AM No Dropsteve@sabinocycles.com  
Super Sunday Bike Ride at Trek .Trek Bikes at Campbell and Ft. LowellOn Hiatus Sunday90-120 MinutesNo Drop 


PLEASE NOTE- Category below just for Mountain Bikes

WhatLocationDate/TimeDistanceSpeedContact- More Info
Cyclovia Remix Group Ride Groove | Paseo en Bici Grupal al Baile  Coffee Times Drivethrough Jones and SpeedwaySUNDAY AT 8:45 AM – 11:30 AM  Join us for a family-friendly group bike ride exploring January’s “Green at the Core” Route. We’ll ride around 3 miles and end up at Himmel Park where riders can join in on a free, weekly dance party outdoors in the parkhttps://www.facebook.com/events/248344250650429/
More Road rides next week. If you have a ride, text me at 520-977-5664 or email damion@damionalexander.com 
Cactus cycling and GABA have on-line ride calendars.  Check them out for more rides. Cactus Cycling   http://www.cactuscycling.org/schedule.php   Greater Arizona Bicycle Association GABA- http://www.meetup.com/bikegaba/events/  

THIS WEEKS MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDES  ^^^^Road rides are above^^^^

WhatLocationDate-TimeTime  – Distance- SpeedContact- More Info
SDMB 24hop Pre-ride weekend  Willow SpringsJAN 29 AT 8 AM – JAN 30 AT 11 AMSaturday we will have a course maintenance day from 9am-12pm. Then have a fundraiser spaghetti dinner 5pm for SDMB.https://www.facebook.com/events/449504223239136
2022 Tour Ride #1 24 HOPWillow Springs/24 hour TownSunday JanuaRY 30 AT 9 AM   This is an official Tour 2022 ride. The first of 22.https://www.facebook.com/events/3253380061562462
Monday movies with TORCA  Tucson Hop Shop  MONDAY January 31, AT 6:30 PM  I don’t know, but I’m sure someone will do Urban Assault before and or Afterhttps://www.facebook.com/events/3207566949476469
Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists(SDMB)  and Southern Arizona Mountain Bike Association (SAMBA Tucson off-road Cyclists and Activists.  (TORCA) have a calendars. Check them out  at. SAMBA http://www.meetup.com/Southern-Arizona-Mountain-Bike-Association/events/ SDMB http://www.sdmb.org/events/ TORCA http://torca.org/calendar/


WhatLocationDateContact- More Info
Coaching El Grupito Youth CyclingEl Grupo Clubhouse near downtownMon-Thurs 3:30-6:30. Commit to as little as 1 day a weekJody Bartz 406-581-8855
Night with the pro women of Homestretch FoundationBicycle Ranch TucsonThursday Feb 10,  6PM 2022https://www.facebook.com/events/658479145506095
GABA Volunteer OpportunitiesYear Round Opportunities to give back to the community. Check out the link to the right. ————-àhttp://gaba.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=2664&club_id=307669&sl=745000180


WhatLocationDateContact- More Info
White Tank Whirlwind XCPhoenix, AZFebruary 5-6,2022https://mbaa.net/racing/white-tank-whirlwind/
Flap Jack Flats TTEloy, AZFebruary 6, 2022https://www.summitvelo.org/
BetterRide w/ Gene Hamilton MTB Skills Course  Tucson, AZFebruaryhttps://betterride.net/feb-11-13-tucson-az-mtb-skills-course-2022/
Fountain Hills Gran Fondo  McDowell Mountain Cycles  February 12 8 AMhttps://www.facebook.com/events/910733969626650
Santa Catalina OmniumTucson and Oracle AZFebruary 12-13http://uacycling.com/ua-crit/
24 Hours in the Old PuebloWillow Springs, AZFebruary 18-20, 2018https://epicrides.com/events/24-hours-in-the-old-pueblo/event-guide/
Tonto Mountain RidesUsery Mountain Regional Park
Mesa, AZ
February 19,2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/tonto/
Spokes and AlewadellFebruary 26, 2022https://www.spokesandale.com/
Rotary Tour de Cookie Bike RideThe Loop/TucsonMarch 5thhttps://www.facebook.com/events/780275809595434  
Tour De CureGlendale, AZMarch 05, 2022https://donations.diabetes.org/site/TR/TourdeCure/TourAdmin?fr_id=13415&pg=entry  Vickie McWatters vmcwatters@diabetes.org
(602) 413-3427
Ken Forbes Memorial State Chapmionship CriteriumTucson, AZMarch 12, 2022https://www.azcycling.org/event/musselman-crit-state-champs/
BetterRide w/ Gene Hamilton MTB Skills Course  Sedona, AZMarch 11-13, 2022https://betterride.net/march-11-13-2022-sedona-az-mtb-skills-course/
Cactus CupFountain HillsMarch 11-13, 2022https://thecactuscup.com/
43rd Annual Sonoita-Bisbee Overnight Ride   

Santa Cruz County Fair Grounds, Sonoita, ArizonaMarch 19 and 20, Saturday and Sunday, 2022www.BikeGaba.org
Tour De ZonaSierra Vista, Bisbee, TombstoneMarch 25-27https://eltourdezona.org/
Havasu Havoc XCLake Havasu CityMarch 26,2022https://mbaa.net/racing/havasu-havoc/
The Arizona Trail Race – 300 and 750 MileArizona Trail, from Mexico to Superior or Mexico to UtahTBDhttp://topofusion.com/azt/race.php
Tommy Knocker 10                          Silver City, NM Ft. BayardApril 2, 2022               https://ziarides.com/event/tommyknocker-10/
El Tour De MesaMesa, AZApril 2, 2022https://eltourdemesa.org
The Javelina ChaseDuncan, AZTentative- Aprilhttp://www.javelinachase.com/
Prescott PunisherPrescott, AZApril 9, 2022https://www.facebook.com/events/pioneer-park-in-prescott-az/prescott-punisher/661344360988601/
Sierra Vista OmniumSierra Vista, AZApril 9-10, 2022https://www.azcycling.org/event/sierra-vista/
El Grupo Scavenger HuntEl Grupo ClubhouseTBD April, 2022https://www.elgrupocycling.org/events/scavenger-hunt/
Sinister RidesSan Tan Queen Creek, AZApril 15, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/sinister/
Highly Falkner S. Mountain TTSouth Mountain, Phoenix, AZApril 23,2022https://www.azcycling.org/event/somo-time-trial/
Prescott Punisher XCPrescott, AZApril 29, 2022https://mbaa.net/racing/prescott-punisher/
Ride Across ArizonaCalifornia to New Mexico 615 milesMay 2, 2022http://azgravelrides.com/ride-across-arizona/
The Whiskey Off RoadPrescott, AZApril 29-May 1, 2018https://epicrides.com/events/whiskey-off-road/event-guide/
Flagstaff Frenzy XCFt Valley Flagstaff, AZMay 7, 2022https://mbaa.net/racing/   
3 Bears TTPicacho, AZ  May 15, 2022https://www.summitvelo.org/

Royal Gorge Six and TwelveCanon CityMay 14,2022https://ziarides.com/event/royal-gorge-six-and-twelve/
Ride of SilenceTucson, AZMay 18, 2022http://www.rideofsilence.org/
Adrenaline Night RidesMcDowell Mountain Park
Fountain Hills, AZ
May 20, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/adrenaline/
Arizona State MTB ChampionshipsPrescott AZMay 21-22, 2022 
Grand Junction Off-RoadGrand Junction, COMay 20-22, 2022https://epicrides.com/events/grand-junction-off-road/event-guide/ 
The Carson City Off RoadCarson City, NVJune 24-26, 2022https://epicrides.com/events/carson-city-off-road/event-guide/
24 Hours in The Enchanted ForestGallup, NMJune 11-12, 2022http://ziarides.com/event-register/24-hours-in-the-enchanted-forest/
Hypnosis Night RidesEstrella Mountain Regional Park Goodyear, AZJune 17, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/hypnosis/
Stunner Night RidesUsery Mountain Regional Park Mesa, AZJuly 22, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/stunner/
Big Woody RidesFort Tuthill County Park
Flagstaff, AZ
August 13,2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/big-woody/
Vertigo Night RideWhite Tank Mountain Regional Park
Waddell, AZ
August 19,2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/vertigo/
Willcox FlyerWillcox, AZSeptember TBDhttps://www.facebook.com/WillcoxFlyer/
State ITT and Tandem ChampionshipsPicacho, AZSeptember 18,2022https://www.summitvelo.org/
Jangover Night RidesMcDowell Mountain Regional Park
Fountain Hills, AZ
September 23, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/jangover/
Mt. Graham Hill ClimbSafford, AZSeptember TBDhttps://www.facebook.com/Mt-Graham-Hill-Climb-492318661127635/
The Oz Trail OffroadBettonville AKOctober 7-9, 2022https://epicrides.com/events/oz-trails-off-/event-guide/
Tour of The White MountainsPinetop-Lakeside AZOctober 1,2022https://epicrides.com/events/tour/event-guide/
Sky Island TourSierra Vista, AZOctober 1, 2022https://skyislandtour.com/
El Grupo Fall FondoTucson AZOctober 16,2022https://www.elgrupocycling.org/
Nogales Bicycle ClassicNogales, AZOctober 2022 TBDhttp://www.nogalesbicycleclassic.org/
Mt. Lemmon Gravel GrinderOracle, AZOctober 2022https://www.mtlemmongravelgrinder.com/
Spirit World 100Patagonia, AZTBD November 2022https://www.thespiritworld100.com/
Saguaro Soiree – A Women’s MTB WeekendUsery Mountain Regional Park
Mesa, AZ
November 19-20, 2022https://www.aravaiparides.com/saguaro-soiree//
BetterRide w/ Gene Hamilton MTB Skills Course  Scottsdale, AZDecember  9-11, 2022https://betterride.net/december-9-11-2022-scottsdale-az-mtb-skills-course/
Man vs Machine                                               Williams, AZTBD – Traditionally late Septemberhttp://www.grandcanyonracing.com/
El Tour de Tucson                                    Tucson, AZNovember ,2022https://eltourdetucson.org/
AZ Endurance Series PleasantvilleAnthem, AZ               December 2022https://rockyroad5050.wordpress.com/pleasantville/
Dawn to Dusk Arizona                                McDowell Mountain Regional Park,December 2022https://ziarides.com/event/dawn-to-dusk-az/
GABA Toy RideTucson, AZDecember 2022www.BikeGaba.org 
2021 McKenzie Frenzy                     Vail, AZ  December 2022https://mckenziefrenzy3.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=14792
The Arizona Endurance Series rides have not set dates for 2022. I’ll add them as the promoters share them. The website is https://rockyroad5050.wordpress.com/ The weak need not apply.

ADVOCACY OPPORTUNITIES – WANT BETTER BIKE INFRASTRUCTURE? GET INVOLVED.  Feel free to e-mail damion@damionalexander.com if you want to get involved and have questions on the Velodrome Committee, CASA- Cycling Advocates of Southern Arizona, GABA – Greater Arizona Bicycle Association, SDMB -Sonoran Desert Mountain Bike, TORCA – Tucson Off Road Cyclist & Activists, El Grupo Youth Cycling, El Tour De Tucson and all of it’s charity partners, Tour De Zona, Tour De Mesa, Mt. Lemmon Gravel Grinder….  Added bonus, I’ll be there and the pictures are free;-)


These rides are not mine.  I am only sharing the data.  The Damion Alexander Team can’t guarantee anybody’s safety.  There are unknown and unforeseen potential hazards in every ride so you should pay attention and take reasonable precautions.  I always use a helmet.  I think that helmets should be required when riding.  If you choose to listen to music during rides you should only use the headset in one ear or use a bone conducting system.  Better yet, buy a FarEnd Gear earbud.  Communication is essential during all rides and having the ability to hear is a part of your responsibility to others.  Please also ride within your limitations. You are not racing the Tour de France.  If you see someone  that is  not riding within their limitations or are becoming a hazard to others we should politely bring this to their your attention.  Do this for your and everybody’s safety. 

Also, it is everybody’s responsibility to follow all traffic laws.  We are not lemmings.  Just because somebody does something foolish does not mean you need to follow.  Use your head and enjoy your ride. 


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