Tag Archives: SDMB

The Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists Annual Poker Ride – Fun on Two Wheels for a Cause

Every year, the Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists (SDMB) pull off what might just be Tucson’s most entertaining and community-driven mountain biking event—the Annual Poker Ride. As a fundraiser for this passionate advocacy group, the event not only raises crucial funds for maintaining and expanding trails but also brings together hundreds of riders for a day packed with adventure, camaraderie, and unforgettable fun.

This year’s ride unfolded under the kind of weather that makes the Sonoran Desert famous. With not a cloud in the sky and warm, golden sunlight blanketing the landscape, it was a perfect day to experience the desert’s unique beauty. The Tucson Mountains provided a stunning backdrop, with rugged peaks, craggy ridges, and panoramic views of the sprawling valley below.

A Ride Through the Sonoran Desert

The route took participants deep into the heart of the Sonoran Desert, a landscape defined by its striking geology and vibrant biology. Riders tackled iconic trails like the Explorer Trail, El Grupo Loop, Max Shemwell Trail, and Ledge Surfer. Along the way, they were surrounded by towering saguaros, their arms stretching skyward like sentinels of the desert. These iconic cacti stood among barrel cacti, prickly pear, and cholla, creating a tapestry of green that contrasted beautifully with the golden hues of the rocky terrain.

The trails twisted and turned over ancient volcanic rock formations, evidence of the Tucson Mountains’ fiery past. Riders traversed washes carved by monsoon rains and skirted cliffs that told a story of millions of years of geological evolution. Every turn of the trail offered something new—a dense cluster of ocotillo with their spindly stalks, a fleeting glimpse of a desert jackrabbit darting across the path, or the sharp cry of a red-tailed hawk circling overhead.

A Poker Ride with Personality

Riders set off at 9 a.m., aiming to collect the best poker hand by visiting 10 stops scattered along the route. These weren’t just ordinary checkpoints—they were themed party zones that captured the creative spirit of the SDMB community. Costumes, music, and refreshments were the order of the day. From beer at one stop to mixed drinks at another, the ride felt more like a rolling celebration than a competition.

The stops were as diverse as the scenery, blending seamlessly into the surroundings. A few even felt like they were part of the desert itself, with riders pausing to sip drinks while taking in sweeping views of the rugged mountains and endless desert plains.

Fuel for the Fun

No Tucson event would be complete without incredible food, and the Poker Ride delivered. At the finish line, riders refueled with a spread that included pizza, tacos, and the quintessential Tucson treat—Sonoran dogs. Paired with the crisp desert air and the warm camaraderie of fellow riders, it was the perfect way to close out the adventure.

Prizes for All

The poker aspect added an element of strategy and luck to the ride, with the best hand at the end of the day earning first pick from an impressive prize table. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of sponsors, there were enough prizes for every one of the 280 riders to take something home. Whether it was gear, gift cards, or swag, nobody left empty-handed.

Beyond the Ride

While the event is all about fun, it’s also about supporting the trails and the mountain biking community. SDMB continues to lead the charge in advocating for trail access and maintenance, and events like this are critical to their mission.

Why You Should Join Next Year

The Annual Poker Ride is more than just a mountain biking event—it’s a celebration of the Sonoran Desert and the incredible community that calls it home. Whether you’re shredding the trails, marveling at the desert’s beauty, or laughing at the creative costumes and party stops, this event captures the essence of why Tucson is a top destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

So, mark your calendar for next year. Come for the adventure, stay for the tacos and Sonoran dogs, and leave with a deeper appreciation for this incredible desert we’re lucky to call home. You won’t regret it.


The following is more about my day at the poker Ride. As I’m new to blogging daily, I’m still looking for the voice I want to use. Having a background in writing newspaper columns, sharing my prospective seems to self centered. It’s not about me, but I also consider myself a participatory journalist. I never show up just to watch, I’ll always find a way to participate.

The Poker Ride was a humbling yet exhilarating reminder of why I love mountain biking. These trails around Starr Pass and Tucson Mountain Park are as raw and rugged as they come—untamed, chunky, and beautifully technical. Riding them forces you to improve, to push boundaries, and to embrace the challenge. Yes, there are flowing sections that let you catch your breath, but the jagged, cauliflower-like rocks make you earn every mile. It’s mountain biking in its purest form, unsanitized and unapologetic.

This ride wasn’t just about trails, though. It was also about finding balance—both on the bike and off it. A sip of beer, mia tia, whiskey, at a few stops helped ease the nerves, but not enough to steer me into a saguaro. I found that perfect middle ground: enough to laugh at the challenge without compromising my lines.

But as I write this on Monday morning, I’m feeling the consequences in muscles I didn’t know needed strengthening. Technical riding like this, far removed from traffic, is my happy place—mentally stimulating, physically demanding, and spiritually rejuvenating. Ad in stations with food and booze and it’s a wonderful place to be. Yet, either I’m not doing it enough to stay sharp, or age is catching up with me.

What wiped me out wasn’t just the Poker Ride itself. I left home on the bike in the dark and rode the 16 miles to the event and took the long way home, detouring to show a house, and then to the gym to spin and watch the Lions and Vikings. To cap it off, I realized I’d dropped the gift card I won from Tap and Botttle and went back out at 10:30 p.m. to follow my route and look for it. 20 miles and An extra hour and a half later, I came up empty-handed. Frustrating, yes, but at least it nudged me past my weekly hours goal and took the daily miles to just shy of a century.

In the end, the Poker Ride was more than just a ride. It was a testament to perseverance, finding joy in the grind, and embracing the adventure—even when it spills into the night.

Honeybee Trail Head Parking and Access Issues

Bikes are so fun that more and more people are riding.  That is good.  Unfortunately, as our numbers grow, we are hitting up against some new challenges.  Trail access and parking is becoming an issue.  Last week the Estates at Honey Bee put this Sign up.


Hank Rowe and I have met with the HOA board of directors and asked for them to allow us to redo these signs and omit the dawn to dusk provision, as well as say the rules are supported by the cycling community as well.  They are going to discuss it, and I’m optimistic they will accept our offer.  My concern is that most of us will respect these rules that are reasonable considering it is private property, but those who do not will be the belligerent ones and make the issue worse.

The second issue of concern is a parking lot that many have used to access the trails.  This sign went up a few days after the first sign.

Photo by Jerry Quesnel
Photo by Jerry Quesnel

As I have not had time to write this and Evan Pilling with SDMB hit most of what I would have said, I’ll share his comments on the subject below.  The only items I would add for alternative parking is that a Park and Ride exists about two miles away at 2291 E Rancho Vistoso, and the Pastor of the church across the street is looking at how he can make his lot available Monday-Saturday ( we have talked and he’s looking into insurance liabilities, but is himself a cyclist and supportive of the idea).

Evan Pilling Had this to say:  Honeybee Canyon/Tortolita Mountain Access Update:

As most mountain bikers in Tucson are already aware, there are a number of access issues going on right now at Honeybee Canyon in Oro Valley.  Representatives from the MTB community are in touch with the respective stakeholders to try to fund solutions.  Here is an update of the current situations.  Most of this information has already been posted, but we wanted to get everything in one place. 

Parking Issues at 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd (Fast Rhino/Cop Shop)

First off, the property management who runs the commonly used parking area at 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd (sometimes called the “Cop Shop”) has, for the time being, prohibited non-customers from parking there 7 days a week.  This has always been a popular place to park for folks using the Honeybee trails and, and since the Como Rd. access was closed off it has seen a huge spike in use.  Numerous road cycling groups also use the lot to start and finish rides, sometimes having as many as 50 plus riders.  There have been issues with folks parking there for years, mainly due to some local residents who were hostile to bikes, but things came to a head recently with business owners citing overuse of the lot during business hours, public nudity due to riders changing before and after rides, a recent bike demo day that was not cleared with the owners, and some riders urinating and even defecating a the lot. 

Until further notice, please do not park at the parking lot at 1171 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd.  You will likely be towed.  It is private property, and the owners are threatening to tow anyone who parks there for cycling purposes.  Representatives from the cycling community are in contact with the property management company and are working hard to find solutions to maintain access, and we will update via Facebook and the internet as things progress.  Please be respectful of the business owners at the Plaza; getting confrontational will not help us secure access.

If you want to ride at Honeybee, you still have some parking options.  First, you can park at the official Honeybee Canyon Trailhead (directions are here:https://www.orovalleyaz.gov/parksandrec/parks/honey-bee-canyon-park).  While there is limited parking here, there are also bathrooms and ramadas available for use.  Please do not stage large group rides here.  Second, you can park at Oro Valley Bikes at 12925 N Oracle Rd, 2.3 miles east of the Honeybee trails access point.  There is plenty of parking at Oro Valley Bikes.  It will add a few miles to your ride, but give you a nice warmup before getting on the dirt.  And finally, you can drive a few more miles up North to W. Edwin Rd, hang a left, and drive west to the Windmill.  Edwin is a dirt road, but passable for SUV’s and most cars.  Make sure to pick up an AZ State Land Dept. permit, as the Honeybee Trails and Edwin Rd. parking are on State Trust land.  Large group rides should plan on parking at Oro Valley Bikes or on Edwin Rd.

Access Issues at the Quiet Rain Dr. Access for Honeybee Trails

Another long-time problem area is the trail access via Quiet Rain Dr. off of Rancho Vistoso Blvd.  The Quiet Rain access point uses a utility easement between two subdivisions, and while it is technically an easement it is also private property.  In the past, there have been complaints about mountain bikers, conflicts with hikers and property owners, and even roofing nails found on the ground (presumably to damage tires and keep mountain bikers from using the trails).  Recently, the HOA who oversees the utility easement put up a sign limiting use from dawn to dusk (i.e. no night riding), prohibiting any organized races, and asking cyclists to be courteous.  While we are working with the HOA to find a solution, we ask that folks respect the HOA’s request to avoid night rides until things get sorted out.  Representatives from the cycling community met with the HOA on 3/16/16 to start the dialogue about preserving access through the utility subdivision, and we will provide updates as we get them.  If you want to night ride at Honeybee, please access the trails from W. Erwin Rd.

For both issues, representatives are also in touch with Oro Valley Parks and Rec, Oro Valley Police Department, and the Town of Oro Valley to find solutions and advocate for permanent trailhead access.  The sad reality is that, although we all ride and love the Honeybee trails, they are un-sanctioned trails on State Trust land and there is no guaranteed right to use them. 

We appreciate your patience while we get things sorted out!”

So, there you have it.  Please be kind and respectful.  Don’t be “That Guy”

Damion AKA BikePilgrim

Trek Stache 9 Review

For many years I have been coveting a fat bike.  From my house at Kolb and Sunrise I can go out the back door and ride to my office at River and Campbell and only cross two residential roads.  I will frequently ride down to the Tanque Verde Wash and have been known to ride a mile or two in the river bed, but it is slow going and requires a  “solid” effort.  I’ve had this idea that on a fat bike I could create a completely traffic free commute and the opportunity availed itself in a demo bike from Trek.

Volunteer Sabino Canyon Bike Patrol. Perhaps the dept. of Agriculture can get us a deal on a fleet of Staches.
Volunteer Sabino Canyon Bike Patrol. Perhaps the dept. of Agriculture can get us a deal on a fleet of Staches.

Trek makes the Farley, a true fat bike with 4 and 5 inch wide 26 inch tires. It even comes with a carbon option for all the weight weenies.   For what I wanted to do this would be ideal. However, the bike Trek had available was the Stache 9, a type of bike I did not know existed. Trek’s website says The “ Stache is an all-new species of 29+ mountain bike performance. The wide 3″ tires grip relentlessly, amplifying all the benefits of 29ers, while remarkably short chainstays deliver a fun, lively ride.
Want the capability of a full suspension trail bike in a simple hardtail package, plus the extra benefits of 29+ tires? Then you were born to ride the Stache.”

I had requested the use of a Fat Bike not only for the commute, but also to participate in the Sandbox Showdown.  This annual race/ride is in the washes around Tucson that includes numerous stops at local watering holes as well as some pop up bars that one routinely finds in the washes during the Sandbox Showdown.  It is a rather spirited group, and I wanted to ride and document the event as a participatory journalist.

I was told there was a 10 minute time bonus for each gourd collected. Technically, I won the Sandbox showdown with this find, but considering I was 90 minutes behind the leader, I'm fine that Kent Loganbill went home with the hardwear.
I was told there was a 10 minute time bonus for each gourd collected. Technically, I won the Sandbox showdown with this find, but considering I was 90 minutes behind the leader, I’m fine that Kent Loganbill went home with the hardwear.

The Sandbox Showdown course was a good test for the Stache 9 and it’s ability in the washes, climbing and on single track..  After a few miles on the road we quickly dove into a small overgrown side wash.  I’m not sure what wash, but if I was to name it, I’d call it Rabbit wash for the old half buried VW Rabbit frame.   At times it was a thicket, scratching our legs and arms so we would have memories of the ride or weeks to come. After two hours and 6 miles we hit a dirt road that was about 48 degrees incline and looked much longer than I wanted it to be.  Not only can the Stache float on sand, but being 28.5 pounds it is easy to spin up a hill and it climbs like a Billy goat.  We were rewarded for the climb with the descent on the 50 year trail back to Catalina State Park.  When we hit the downhill on the single track I fell in love with 29+.   With 3 inches it absorbed everything the trail threw my way.  If I over shot the trail by a little I could not feel it. I quickly found myself taking turns at speeds I would not feel comfortable doing on any other bike.  Fun, fast, free flowing single track makes me happy.

I called the Sandbox Showdown a ride/race because it is both. Some of the riders started hard and finished early.  Others, like those in the group I was with, were more content to stop every 10 minutes for a cold beverage.  I’m still not sure how they produced so much ice cold beer in the middle of the desert and it never ran dry, but that is part of the magic one finds in this event.  I do know the ranger’s store was open at Catalina State Park and that the ice cream was delicious. As we left the Park it was becoming clear to me that I still had 15 miles to go, it was 3 in the afternoon, we were averaging 3-4 miles an hour and I was supposed to be home at 5.  As much as I did not want to leave the party, it was my daughter’s birthday and I needed to be home on time.  The Canyon Del Oro Wash has sand, sand and deeper sand but when you drop the hammer on the Stache it just floated over the top of it all.  At times, it felt like I was on a pavement.  I managed not only to finish the last 15 miles in just over an hour, but had time for an ice cold beverage at Chuy’s with the “fast” riders and was home with 3 minutes to spare.

The Sandbox Showdown was nearly 30 miles.   It was so much fun I wanted to go out and explore some of my other favorite trails to see how the Stache would handle different terrain.  Fortunately, due to the holiday season, my not returning any calls from the guys at Trek and disconnecting my phone I was able to hang onto the bike for a few extra weeks.

The first test was the commute to the office.  I live about 9 miles from Long Realty where I work.  On the road bike I can get there in about 20-25 on the Loop.  I commuted 4 times while I had the Stache and my best time was 55 minutes.  However, I knew it was going to take longer, so that was fine.  The clarity of mind that I was able to achieve on the commute was purifying.  It was an physical effort, my legs and arms were covered with scratches,  but it is the most stress free riding.  No cars.  Like 0.  None.  Nada. Zip.  It was just wide open spaces and spinning.  When I received the Stache it had rained hard the day before.  The wash was like a road.  I found myself pushing over 20 miles an hour on some sections.  The bike just floated across the surface.  As the weeks have passed since it rained and horses, walkers and dogs have pot marked the entire wash, it is not nearly as fast.  I continually look for smooth and hard packed sand towards the edges of the wash, even if it means rubbing against brush as it makes the riding so much easier.  Some of the time it is slow going, but if I put in the power I roll through it.

One evening I was stuck in the office late and was forced to hammer it home on the Loop and roads.  I popped in Az Cyclist and pumped the tires to 20 PSI.  My best time on my road bike for the commute is 24 minutes. I finished on the Stache at 33 minutes and averaged 15 MPH.  What was interesting was that I was in the hardest gear, going up hill and it did not feel like I was killing myself.

Bill Chanbers, 77, burrowed the Stache 9 for a ride in the Rilitto and up the Urban Assault.
Bill Chanbers, 77, burrowed the Stache 9 for a ride in the Rilitto and up the Urban Assault.

In the washes there are many obstacles known as grass, plants, trees, shrubs, cactus and the like. It is possible to avoid these by riding in the middle of the wash.  However, that is often a major physical effort.  Surprisingly, on some of the slightly higher parts of the wash there is hard packed single track.  Trail maintenance is a foreign concept on these trails and they often end abruptly with knee and waist high obstacles or low hanging branches.  There are only a few areas I would not feel comfortable riding the Stache Over, through or under and that is because the trees have razor sharp thorns on the branches.  As soon as you discover which ones to avoid, the bike will happily plow its own trail.

I never had time for a long night ride, but found myself coming home at dusk more than once.
I never had time for a long night ride, but found myself coming home at dusk more than once.

The November Business Builder Bike Ride was on the Arizona trail heading south from The Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead.  I learned a very valuable lesson about the Stache on this ride.  If a friend says “can I try the new 29+ bike out”, don’t let him.  Phillip was gone in a flash and I did not see him for many miles.  I’m glad it was an out and back ride so he was forced to meet up with me.  The grin on his face from the “best ride he had been on” almost made me forgive him for robbing me of  the opportunity to ride the most free flowing section of single track in Southern Arizona on the Stache.  If the shoe was on the other foot, I’m not sure I would have returned the Stache for the ride back.  Fortunately for me, he did and the journey back to the Gabe Z trailhead was most pleasant.  Featuring open trails with a good line of sight and gentle curves the Stache was every bit as fast as my Santa Cruz tallboy.  As it hit some of the tighter turns there was no need to slow as it hugged the trail.

The Stache eating a rocks on the Arizona Trail
The Stache 9 eating  rocks on the Arizona Trail.  CrazzeeHeads Princess helmet cover.  It is hunting season.  I like to remain visible.

The November SDMB social ride really excited me for putting the Stache through its paces.  Reddinton Road offers a long steady climb, but we unfortunately drove up to the parking lot.  I was able to hitch a ride and park at the bottom so I was able to blast down it at the end.  I have ridden in this area a half dozen times.  It is often over grown and the trail disappears in front of you.  On one section it is a solid climb with water bars.  Many are only 4-8 inches high and a few a foot or more, but they are on inclines, and somewhat technical to get over.  I have never been able to ride this section on any other bike.  However, the Stache rolled up everything.  I did spin out on one water bars, but that was more of a me not shifting my weight than the bike not being able to mount it.  On the descent it rolled over eroded areas and crevasses in the middle of the trail as if they were completely smooth.  On the ride down Reddinton road I had a Personal Record and that time included putting my bike on the rack and driving the last section.  I think if I had not stopped it would have easily contended for a top 10 finish. It’s likely on the straight away my time was slower than on other bikes and I would have liked a harder gear, but I have never been able to hit switchbacks with so much speed.

Crossing the Rincon Savanna on the Arizona Trail. Photo by Matt Nelson
Crossing the Rincon Savanna on the Arizona Trail. Photo by Matt Nelson

One huge advantage of the Stache over a 4 inch wide Fat bike is that it fit snugly into my Thule T2 platform Bike rack. The Secure-hook on the front just barely clears the front wheel and I need to angle the bike slightly forward to get it out, but it did not require special hard wear as many over sized bikes do.  I’m not sure the brand, but it fit on the platform rack when I caught the shuttle up Reddington Rd for the SDMB ride.

Now for the issues with the Stache 9.  First and foremost, this is a demo bike and I need to return it to the Trek demo fleet. At $3,800 retail it is a little more than I have in the bike kitty at this time.  I offered Trek $1,700, but they did not bite.  I even explained that I had pushed this bike to the extreme and it was now a very used bike and really not worth more than a grand.   Seriously, I really needed to search for issues with the Stache 9. The first I discovered was if you grab it in the wrong place, when placing it on the bike rack, it has an ability to smash your finger.  It only took two throbbing digits to become aware of that and it has not happened again.   The other two are likely issues of any Fat bike.  In order to accommodate the fatter tires the frame needs to be bumped out.  I have grown a solid black and blue patch on the inside of my thigh where my leg hits the frame.  I have been trying to pay attention to what type of riding is causing this, and I do feel my leg hitting it on occasion, but not hard enough to bruise.  If I owned the bike I might look at add some custom padding.  The other issue is the balance and weight distribution at high speeds when turning. The front wheel seems to displace the balance in an unusual location. I’m trying to figure this one out, and think it is a low tire pressure issue with the amount of rubber on the road(after writing this I jacked the PSI up and this issue disappeared)

One of my last rides on the Stache 9 was to a home inspection. The client also rides, so showing up in spandex is accepted.
One of my last rides on the Stache 9 was to a home inspection. The client also rides, so showing up in spandex is accepted and I think appreciated.

After nearly one month and 150 miles on the Stache 9 I am a huge fan. Looking back, the moments that were the best were climbing the water bars, skimming over the surface of the Rilitto at 20 plus miles an hour, rolling through switchbacks at high speed,  railing trail at Fantasy Island, AZ Trail, 50 Year and all the other single track I devoured.  If I only had one Mountain Bike, I feel a Stache 9 is diverse enough to be that bike.  I’m certain I would not win any races, but for the pure joy of riding a bicycle and the terrain in Southern Arizona, you can’t go wrong with this bike.

Do you want to take a Stache for a spin.  Trek has two demo days this weekend, Saturday December 5th  from 9AM – 1:00 PM at Fantasy Island in Tucson and At Brown Canyon Trailhead in Sierra Vista on Sunday the 6th from 11:00 – 3PM.  They will have a great selection of road and mountain bikes to chose from.  Be sure to bring your pedals , helmet and hydration.  Personally, I recommend trying the Stache 9.


Yetman Trail Pint night Fundraiser and Trail works days

Do you like to ride your Mountain bike in the wash.  If so, just go for a ride and ignore this(Oh, I’ll join you, sand is good).  However, for the majority of you, there is a major trail improvement that is going to make the Starr Pass Area even better.

If you have ever ridden over the west side of Starr Pass and come back through Yetman Wash you have likely had the thought “why the hell is there not  single track here and why am I riding in 3 inches of sand”?

Great news!!! Yetman Wash Trail Work Days are coming up to put in that mush anticipated Yetman Reroute!  Sonoran Desert Mountain Bikes (SDMB) is inviting people for upcoming work days in November, December, and January.  SDMB will provide all the tools needed, but please come dressed for a day outside, bring work gloves, and make sure to bring water and snacks.  They will provide lunch for after the work days. The dates of the work days are:

Sunday 11/17/13, Saturday 11/30/13, Sunday 12/15/13, Saturday 1/4/13

All work events will run from 8:00am to 12:30pm with lunch following.  Meet at the Sarasota Trailhead off of Kinney Rd and hike in from there. Parking is limited so we encourage you to carpool. Please RSVP to trailsteward@sdmb.org or the Facebook Event by the Wendesday prior to the work day to make sure they have lunch for you.

If you have never participated in a trail building day it is worth the effort.  You will meet some other like minded riders, get food, and remember every time you ride the trail the section “YOU” made happen.

New trails do come at a cost and in order to fund the Yetman Trail SDMB has an upcoming event.  It includes Beer!!! Yetman Wash Pint Night at Borderlands Brewing Co. on November 13th for the SDMB Yetman Wash Re-Route Pint Night Fundraiser. Time is 5-8pm. $20 will get you an awesome SDMB pint glass and two beer tickets. There is going to be a food truck, live music, and a lot of fun. We’ll also have some SDMB schwag like t-shirts, socks, stickers, etc. Additional beer tickets are $5. If you haven’t already, please “like” SDMB on Facebook and RSVP for the event there. If you can’t be there and would still like to help out, they  welcome you to one of the trail work days (see above) or you can just throw a few bucks to the cause. To donate, visit SDMB.org and click on the Donate Now button. And THANK YOU!