Rolling pace about 17-20 with regroups.
Guru Bbikes Mona to Saguaro East
Rolling pace about 17-20 with regroups.
Art Corner at BICAS
DescriptionDrop in and make some art at BICAS! Every Thursday, 3-6pm. All are welcome, and participation is free! Check-in at our front counter, and they’ll show you to our art area, where you’ll be introduced to what you can create and have free access to our art supplies, recycled bicycle art parts, art tools, and other art materials. After your creation is complete, please leave a suggested donation or donate your art to our non-profit organization. We hope to see you there, and let’s make some art!
NOTAFLOF event, no one turned away from lack of funds. All are welcome!
See our Facebook discussion (@bicasart) for weekly updates, as every week our hosts pick out different projects to work on. Our weekly art corners are not workshops; they are casual art drop-ins. Please see our other art workshops at an additional cost.
Follow us on Insta @bicasart for more!
ROUTE 32.6 miles/954 feet ascent will be at 12-14 mph
If you want to ride a little faster and longer, sign up with Ed’s ride HERE that will start/end at the same location and time.
Weather: Check back the night before the ride and if rain is forecasted, the ride will be postponed by one week.
Route: We will share the roads with traffic for ~60% of route which will have shoulders/bike lanes. Approximately 40% will be on the loop.
Begin: St. Philips Plaza South parking lot
End: Feel free to join us at Ren’s Coffeehouse after the ride.
NOTE: There have been some bicycle thefts recently at Ren’s so keep your bicycle at your elbow or lock it up while you have coffee.
Water/Bathroom Breaks:
9 miles – 1161 W Silverlake Rd (short stop)
16.6 miles – Feliz Paseos Park (long stop)
26 miles – Rillito Park at Camino De La Tierra (but only if needed)
Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in. If you sign up for the ride and are running a couple of minutes late call Cliff at 520-551-1155 and we will wait up to five minutes before leaving.
Load the route into your bicycle computer, it will help if you get separated from the group or your leader doesn’t load it correctly.
If you haven’t ridden with me before, I will not have your contact information. If so, please send your name, phone number, emergency contact, emergency contact phone number (NOT 911) to If you are bringing a +1, send their information as well. The ride waiver will be filled out prior to the ride, you will just need to verify the information and sign it.
There is a good chance that the C ride will end with an average speed of 14 mph. If you are not comfortable or not capable of this expected pace average over the entire route, please do not participate in this ride, it is not fair to the other riders. At the same time, do not push the ride leader to go over the upper threshold for the ride or you may get to talk to 1st Sgt Liane after the ride. These are social rides, lots of conversations, and regroupings as we will not drop anyone. Riders are expected to ride at the pace of the ride leader and between the ride leader and the sweep. There will be ride-at-your-own-pace sections and regroup areas designated by your ride leader.
If you are not a member of our cycling club, please join: Sign Up Link
What to Bring:
Food & fluids for 3 hours – 2 24oz Bottles or Hydration Pack.
Bring a tube/patch kit and a way to inflate your tires.
Be sure your bike is in good mechanical condition.
CPSC approved helmets must always be worn while riding.
No ear buds! This is a safety requirement, not a request.
If you are riding, I ask that you agree that:
You will obey traffic laws. Drive your bike as you would your car.
You are a representative of the greater cycling community and will therefore conduct yourself appropriately.
You will represent GABA well.
This is not a “training” or “intensive” ride – this is a social, no drop, base building ride.
If any of these standards are unclear, you will ask for clarification.
Route subject to change based upon, weather, road conditions, group requests, and or the ride leader getting lost.
Safety/Legal Refresher: If you made it this far, then you probably have some free time on your hand to see about cycling in Oro Valley. Click HERE for more information about laws, paths, plans, …. that OV has. Did you know that OV has one bicycle law? What is it?
Ride Description:
This full Loop ride will be clockwise with at Decibel Coffee House at the 35-mile point. We will be treated to views of four different mountain ranges as well as the Tucson skyline along the way.
This ride will start near Ren Coffee House in St. Phillips Plaza.
As a GABA Training ride, stops will be about every ten miles for a few minutes. If you are further off the pace than that allows, you may navigate to the coffee shop or finish. This ride is about gaining some fitness, and of course spending time with new and old friends.
Start Time: Arrive by 7:45 AM for sign-in, meeting others, and overview. Wheels rolling by 8:00 AM.
Final rolling average- 17+ mph. Rolling speeds may be higher.
Terrain: Relatively flat bike paths, and climbs on open roads.
Total Elevation Gain: 960 ft.
Traffic: Special attention is required along Ajo and Benson Highway
Ride Type: Training
Parking: Ample parking on the south side of St. Phillips Plaza.
Group size: 12 riders
Ride Coordinator: Dave McElwaine (781) 367-8643. If you are running late, give me a call.
Ride with GPS Route
Please be responsible for your own navigation.
Participation rules:
Your GABA membership should be current. If not, please consider joining at Bring food & fluids for 4 hours. Front and back flashing lights are encouraged on The Loop. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding. No ear buds. This ride is unsupported. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well.
Ride Codes:
• A 20+ mph
• B+ 18-20 mph
• B 16-18 mph
Terrain Codes:
• 1 Flat
• 2 Minor Hills
• 3 Moderate Hills
• 4 Long Climbs or Very Steep
Ride Description:
This ride takes us from Pousada Java in Green Valley to the Tubac Deli which offers some of the best baked goods in southern Arizona. We will mostly be using frontage roads and will make last minute modifications to accommodate the ever changing Border Patrol checkpoints.
There will be time in Tubac to wader around and take in some of the sights. Upon our return to Green Valley we can have lunch on the patio of Pousada Java. Normally we have a tailwind on the return. Fingers crossed!
As a GABA trainibb ride, the only regrouping will be at the Tubac Deli.
Additonal Notes:
Ride Type: Training
Pace: Final rolling average 15-17 mph.
Terrain: Just gradual hills
Total Elevation Gain: 1500 ft.
Traffic: Frontage roads with some vehicles moving at up to 60 mph.
Start Time: Arrive by 7:45 AM for sign-in and route rap. Wheels rolling by 8:00 AM. sharp.
Group size: This ride will be limited to twelve riders.
Route: Tubac from Green Valley
We ask everyone to be responsible for their own navigation.
Ride Coordinator: Dave McElwaine @ (781) 367-8643. If you are running late, give me a call.
Participation rules:
Your GABA membership should be current. If you are not a member, please consider joining at Front and back flashing lights are encouraged. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding. No ear buds. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well
Ride Codes:
• A 20+ mph
• B+ 18-20 mph
• B 16-18 mph
Terrain Codes:
• 1 Flat
• 2 Minor Hills
• 3 Moderate Hills
• 4 Long Climbs or Very Steep
Ride Description:
This spectacular ride includes the climb over Picture Rocks Pass, a gigantic square on the west side of the Tucson Mountains, a traverse across Saguaro National Park West, and a climb over Gates Pass. Whew!
The scenery on this ride is off-the-charts gorgeous as we get a first hand look at the Tucson Mountains, cotton fields. and the National Park.
This ride features 2,000 feet of climbing, some of it steep. ! It is not easy. There are limited support services on the route so bring enough water for at least three hours plus extra tubes.
As a GABA Training ride, re-groupings may be as much as ten miles apart and only for a few minutes. If you are farther off the pace than that, please navigate to the Felize Paseo Park or to the finish at Camino de Cerro.
Start Time: 7:45 AM sign-in. Wheels rolling 8:00 AM.
Ride Type: Training
Final Average: 17+mph, rolling speeds can be higher.
Terrain: Significant climbing-Picture Rocks Pass, Gates Pass. Some rough roads are likely out west.
Total Elevation Gain: 2200 ft.
Traffic: We will be riding on streets and bike paths. Very little shoulder on Gates Pass. Fast traffic. on Picture Rocks Pass.
Support: This ride is unsupported.
Meeting Spot: Feliz Paseos Park See map.
Group size: This ride will be limited to ten riders.
Big Square Route
Please be responsible for your own navigation.
Participation rules: Your GABA membership must be current. If you are not a member, please consider joining at . Helmets are mandatory. Rear flashing lights are recommended. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well.
Ride Code:
• B- 16-18 final average.
Terrain Code:
• 4-Long Climbs
Ride Description:
This is a recurring full loop ride that takes place every two weeks. We will make a brief stop for coffee at Ren Coffee House at the 35-mile point. We will be treated to views of four different mountain ranges, as well as the Tucson skyline along the way.
This ride will start at Pour My Coffee at the intersection of E Valencia and S. Nexxis Dr. We will travel gradually downhill through the Julian Greenway to the Santa Cruz bike path. We will return along the Rillito and Pantano washes, and then finish on the fabulous bike path next to Fantasy Island.
Re-groupings may be as much as ten miles apart for a few minutes. If you are farther off the pace than that, please navigate to the coffee shop or finish.. This ride is about gaining some fitness, and of course spending time with new and old friends.
Participation rules:
Your GABA membership should be current. Bring food & fluids for 4 hours. Front and back flashing lights are encouraged on The Loop. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding. No ear buds. This ride is unsupported. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well.
Start Time: Arrive by 8:15 AM for sign-in, meeting others, and overview. Wheels rolling by 8:30 AM.
Final rolling average- 17+ mph. Rolling speeds may be higher.
Terrain: Relatively flat bike paths, one easy climb of less than 200 ft.
Total Elevation Gain: 960 ft.
Traffic: Special attention is required along Ajo.
Ride Type: Training/ Re-group.
Parking: Ample parking at Safeway parking lot.
Group size: Ten riders
Ride Coordinator: Dave McElwaine (781) 367-8643. If you are running late, give me a call.
Ride Codes:
• A 20+ mph
• B+ 18-20 mph
• B 16-18 mph
Terrain Codes:
• 1 Flat
• 2 Minor Hills
• 3 Moderate Hills
• 4 Long Climbs or Very Steep
Ride Description:
This EPIC tour around the Tucson area takes us from the Camino del Cerro ball fields to Green Valley via bike paths and Mission Rd. Along the way we will see some impressive copper mines, pecan groves, and very few cars. While in Green Valley we will refuel at Posada Coffee.
From Green Valley we will head east up Sahuarita Rd, and north on Wilmot to The Loop for the final 33 miles. Usually we will have the wind at our backs for much of this section, and of course it is gradually downhill.
Please note that this ride is UNSUPPORTED and limited to 10 riders. We will make use of public bathrooms, convenience stores, and coffee shops. If you are looking to do a non-stop ride or are concerned about elapsed time, this ride is NOT for you.
Start Time: 7:45 AM sign-in. Wheels rolling 8:00 AM SHARP.
Ride Type: Training
Pace: 17+ FINAL AVERAGE. Rolling speeds often higher.
Terrain: Flat bike paths, rolling hills, and long climbs/descents.
Total Elevation Gain: 2500 ft.
Traffic: Special caution in Green Valley area
Support: This ride is unsupported.
Regrouping: Four places including Dunkin, Pousada Java, Kolb bathroom
Ride Leader: Dave McElwaine 781-367-8643
Participation rules:
Your GABA membership should be current. If not, please consider joining at Bring food & fluids for 3 hours. Front and back flashing lights are encouraged on The Loop. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding. No ear buds. This ride is unsupported. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well.
Meeting Spot: Camino del Cerro ball fields
Ride Code:
• B- 16-17 final average.
Terrain Code:
• 2-moderate hills
Ride Description:
This scenic ride includes a loop around Saguaro East National Park, a trip along the Rincon Mountain Range, and the gradual 8-mile climb up Pistol Hill. This time we will be doing the lollipop counter-clockwise.
We will depart from our usual spot on Nexis and travel down the bike path to Kenyon and join Old Spanish Trail. After the loop at SNPE we will continue south on Old Spanish Trail to reach Pistol Hill.
We will regroup about every ten miles for about five minutes. This ride is about gaining some fitness, and of course spending time with new and old friends. It will be limited to twelve persons.
Refreshments after the ride at Pour my Coffee (in the same parking lot).
Start Time: Arrive by 8:45 AM for sign-in, meeting others, and overview. Wheels rolling by 9:00 AM.
Final rolling average- 17+ mph
Terrain: Relatively flat bike paths, one long climb up Pistol Hill
Total Elevation Gain: 2100 ft.
Traffic: Special attention on Old Spanish Trail.
Ride Type: Training/ Limited regrouping
Parking: Ample parking at Safeway parking lot.
Participation rules:
Your GABA membership should be current. If not, please consider joining at Bring food & fluids for 3 hours. Front and back flashing lights are encouraged on The Loop. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding. No ear buds. This ride is unsupported. Please obey traffic laws and represent GABA well.
Ride Coordinator: Dave McElwaine (781) 367-8643. If you are running late, give me a call.
Route: Please be responsible for your own navigation.
Saguaro and Pistol Hill
Ride Codes:
• A 20+ mph
• B+ 18-20 mph
• B 16-18 mph
Terrain Codes:
• 1 Flat
• 2 Minor Hills
• 3 Moderate Hills
• 4 Long Climbs or Very Steep